اينترنشنال بيزنس تايمز ۶/۹/۹۵
ناراضي ايراني كه
سركوب در زندان هاي جمهوري اسلامي را افشاكرده به اروپا آورده شده است
سايت اينترنشنال بيزنس تايمز
ـ 26نوامبر2016 ساعت 1500 ـ توضيحي بر عكس
شبنم مدد زاده: شبنم مدد زاده براي 6سال در برخي از منفورترين زندان هاي ايران
بوده است
ايراني ناراضي كه بطور مخفي ابعاد بيرحمي درزندان جمهوري اسلامي ايران را به
سازماان ملل افشا كرده و جان خود را به خطر انداخته بود به اروپا گريخته است. او
اكنون در محلي مخفي بخاطر سلامتي خود زندگي مي كند.
مددزاده 29ساله براي 6سال دوره زندان 5ساله اش را دربرخي از منفورترين زندان هاي
سيستم قضائيه كيفري شديداً سياسي شدهي ايران گذراند.
مددزاده از خلال نامه هايي كه بطور مخفيانه از سلولهاي خود
مي فرستاد, توجهات را به شرايط ظالمانه اي كه او و هزاران زن ديگر با آن
روبروبودند جلب كرد.
از گزارشگرويژه حقوق بشر خواستار بازديد از زندانهاي رجايي شهر و گرچك. جايي كه او
زنداني بوده است, شد. وضعيت مددزاده بعنوان يك زنداني عقيدتي توسط سازمان هاي
مجتمع مدني و وزارت خارجه آمريكا قبل از اين كه به اروپا بگريزد, مطرح شده بود.
زاده گفت زماني كه تحت بازجويي بودم بصورت رواني نيز شكنجه مي شدم 5 يا 6 مرد مرا
احاطه كرده مرا مورد بازجويي قرارداده و مي زدند و مويم را مي كشيدند و به بدنم
ضربه مي زدند ”.
بازجويان او اميدوار بودند كه
مددزاده سازمان مجاهدين خلق ايران (پي.ام.او.آي) يك گروه اپوزيسيون ايراني را كه
توسط رژيم آخونها غير قانوني اعلام شده و از سرنگوني رژيم اسلامي حمايت مي
كند را محكوم كند.
درمورد بدترين مجازات ها زماني كه به سلولهاي انفرادي فرستاده ميشده صحبت
كرد, اما داستانهاي سواستفاده هاي جنسي در زندان بود كه باعث شد او تشخيص دهد نياز
دارد عليه زندانبانان خود اعتراض كند. مددزاده گفت ”داخل آنجا دختراني بودند كه
توسط گاردها مورد تجاوز قرار مي گرفتند. اين دختران و اين زنان هيچكس را نداشتند
كه كمكشان كند يا صداي آنها را بشنوند گاردها براحتي به بسياري از آنان تجاوز مي
كردند ”.“من مي توانم چهره دختري را كه به من مي گفت 6بار توسط گاردها به او تجاوز
شده رابخاطر آورم وحشتناك بود. قلبم بدرد مي آمد و زماني كه مي شنيدم تنها مي
توانستم گريه كنم, زيرا درزندان بودم و هيچ كاري نمي توانستم انجام دهم.
افزود ”به خودم گفتم, تو بايد صداي آن زنان باشي, زيرا اين تنها راه حمايت از اين
زنان و جنگ با اين رژيم است ”. ...
http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/iranianIranian dissident who revealed
prison brutality in Islamic Republic smuggled into Europe
Madadzadeh was held for six years in some of Iran's most infamous prisons
By Callum Paton
November 26, 2016
14:00 GMT
Madadzadeh was held for six years in some of Iran's most infamous prisons. She
had been sentenced to a five year prison term.Handout
An Iranian
dissident who secretly disclosed the excesses of prison brutality in the
Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations, endangering her own life, has
escaped to Europe. She is now living at an undisclosed location for her safety.
Madadzadeh, 29, was held for six years, serving a five year prison service, in
some of the most infamous prisons of Iran's deeply politicised criminal justice
system. Through letters she sent secretly from her cells, Madadzadeh drew
attention to the often draconian conditions she and thousands of other women
She called the on
UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran to visit Raja'i Shahr and
Gharchak prisons, where she was held. Madadzadeh's plight as a prisoner of
conscience was raised by international NGOs and the US State Department before
she finally escaped to Europe.
Inside Raja'i
Shahr and Gharchak prisons, Madadzadeh was, like other prisoners, forced to
watch the execution of fellow captives, lived under the threat of death and
sexual violence, and was tortured while in the custody of the Iranian
Revolutionary Guards.
"In every
moment, second by second you can feel death. The interrogators talk about execution
every day and every day you think you are going to be executed,"
Madadzadeh told IBTimes UK during a telephone interview.
At Raja'i Shahr,
Madadzadeh lived in a room she described as a "corridor", where 200
women were crammed, with only two toilets and unsanitary drinking water. The
lights in the room were never turned off, depriving the inmates of sleep
between brutal interrogation sessions.
"When I was
under interrogation I was physically tortured too. Five or six men surrounded
me and as they were questioning me they beat me, pulled my hair and hit my
body," Madadzadeh said.
Her interrogators
hoped Madadzadeh would renounce the People's Mujahideen Organisation of Iran
(PMOI), an opposition group in Iran outlawed by the Mullah's regime and which
advocates the overthrow of the Islamist regime.
She explained the
worst punishment she could receive was to be sent to solitary confinement, but
that it was the stories of sexual abuse in the prison which led her to realise
she needed to speak out against her jailers.
there were girls who were raped by the guards. These girls and these women
don't have anyone to help them or to hear them and [the guards] easily raped
many of them," Madadzadeh said.
Arash Mohammadi,
now 25, who also recently arrived in Europe like Madadzadeh, described how he
lived a "constant nightmare" while in prisonHandout
"I can still
see the face of a girl who told me she had been raped six times by a guard. It
was horrible. My heart broke with her and when I was listening I would just cry
because I was in prison and I could do nothing for them.
"I said to
myself, you should be the voice of these women, because this the way to support
these women and to fight the regime," she added.
Men also face the
threat of sexual violence in prison. Arash Mohammadi, 25, who also recently
arrived in Europe like Madadzadeh described living "constant
nightmare" in which he faced prolonged and vicious beatings and was
threatened with rape.
interrogations would last 12 hours, there was a rack that I was put up on and
then I would be tortured with beatings and also shocked with electric shocks.
There would be three interrogators. One would ask the questions and the other
two would carry on beating.
"Sometimes I
would pass out and they would splash water on me until I gained consciousness
again and then they would resume," Mohammadi explained.
Mohammadi was
also told he had to denounce the PMOI and was subjected to eight days of
12-hour-long interrogations. For both Mohammadi and Madadzadeh the beatings
served eventually to strengthen their resolve against the Iranian government.
"I believe
all of these women were victims of the regime. Without any basic rights for any
of the prisoners," Madadzadeh said.
for women in Iran. They don't have any rights and they are still without safety
or people to help them," she added.
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